You are invited to be our guest for lunch. We meet most Tuesdays from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM at La Valencia Hotel in the Village of La Jolla, 1132 Prospect St. Usually we have a club social on the last Tuesday of the month instead.
Our Vision:Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Our Mission: The mission of the Rotary Club of La Jolla is to be an energized and proactive Service Club consistent with our motto: "Service Above Self". We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
<div>Welcome to the Rotary Club of La Jolla</div>
Our President's Welcome Letter
Welcome to the Rotary Club of La Jolla. I am honored to be president of our Club for the Rotary Year 2024-2025.
The members of the La Jolla Rotary Club are focused on working together to address the needs of our community and to support the world-wide projects of Rotary International. Our members are dedicated to Rotary’s ideal of service above self and to making a difference.
To learn more about our projects, local and world-wide, please join us at a meeting. We meet at noon on most Tuesdays at the La Valencia Hotel.
Our LJHS Interacters complete 42nd home in Tijuana
Just before Thjanksgiving a contingent of high school students from our Interact Club at La Jolla high school completed their 42nd "Build in One Day" home in one of the poorer districts of Tijuana. This one with a loft. Enjoy the pictures of our Interact students completing this service project.
Sunday, May 19, found several of our Club and Interact members rising at 5:30 AM to "person" water station # 6 onTorrey Pines Road for the la Jolla Kiwanis Half Marathon. Check out how much fun they had while providing community service.
The Rotary Club of La Jolla along with the Rotary Club of Mbale in Uganda is currently working on a Global Grant in Uganda called the Rotary Vijana Poa Mbale Technology Hub Project. This project started on November 29, 2021, with a grant of $85,000. The objective of this project is to provide technology and employment education to youth and women for advancing economic empowerment in Mbale, a disadvantaged region in Eastern Uganda. More than 22% of the youth population in this region is unemployed and lives in extreme poverty. The goal of this project is to ensure that every youth is working through computer skills, entrepreneurial and mindset education. The program also provides women empowerment education to women who have previously been marginalized and alienated from the workplace.
Chuck Dick Writes: There's a way to summarize 75 years of La Jolla Rotary history by saying 3 things.
First, the Club was established in 1947 by a stalwart Rotarian from Club 33, and within a few years, the Club had been successful recruiting new members from across the La Jolla landscape. They were people who already had played significant roles in building a community out of a small village, and within a short time, their natural impulse to serve quickly found a vehicle in Rotary’s embrace of service above self.
Second, beginning in the 1970s and continuing for the next 25 years or so, our club called upon the extraordinary generosity of its members to support an array of service work around the world. La Jolla Rotarians contributed almost 70% of the District’s’ fundraising commitment for Polio Plus, and we obtains Rotary Foundation grants to help make changes in the third world. We worked with Tijuana Rotarians to build a school in an underserved neighborhood of Tijuana, and Colonia Esperanza stands today as source of hope.
In the third 25 years of our club, we saw that service was more than writing checks. We began to use our scholarship endowment to assist college bound La Jolla students, and we committed to help Garfield High School students launch careers. We became Rotarians at work, and we used our hands to make physical changes in our community. We have breathed life into the concept of Service Above Self.
Change your community with us by volunteering on a local project.
We work with groups and organizations of all sizes to accomplish even more.
Discover and celebrate diverse perspectives with a global organization.